
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What has PLV Been Doing?


I have been out of the Loop for a bit, I know.  Facebook keeps reminding me I have a blog, and that people actually read it!

I just recently came back from Georgia!  Sadly I was in Georgia AFTER Frill, so I didn't get to go to the convention.  Plans are in the works for the next one, so I am going!  I just need to map out my vacation accordingly.  I will warn you that if I get to go to Disney World, then that trumps Frill.

Anyway, I was in Georgia to meet up with my Harry Potter Crew!  I only wore Lolita 1 day, but I think I picked a good day to wear it, because that is when we went to the Atlanta Historic Center and got to see the Swan House.  The Swan House was built in the 1920's and was owned by the Edward H. Inman Family.  They had actor's who walked around as the architect, interior designer, and the butler.  Each character had information about the house.  The Butler could tell you about his day to day tasks, what it was like to work for the Inman family.  The Interior Designer knew everything about all the furniture and paintings, from where they were purchased from and why, she was even able to tell us about the wall paper!  Honestly we didn't really talk to the architect.  Needless to say, I felt pretty elegant wearing my Lolita Dress at this house.  There was also a farm we went too, where we got to pet some sheep!

Aside from that, that was the most lolita-ish thing we did on the trip.  When I came back from Georgia, I met up with other lolita's for some mini golf fun and to see the Monsters University movie... and I mean the day I landed back in Baltimore, I went home, dropped my bags off and changed into my Lolita Dress and ran out! This particular dress is something I recently reconstructed. I had the top from that BTSSB dress, and I made a new bottom and attached it.  I even made a little headdress to go with it!

Other than that, I have been pretty lazy.  I have been trying to make it out to meets and make some new stuff, but with work I have just been feeling really drained, and I am supposed to be starting school again soon, with over time at work!  Why do I keep doing this to myself?

I suppose I should make a better effort to update my blog.  A friend recently gave me some advice, and I think I am going to take it.  That being said, I am going to attempt to update my blog at least once a week!  I will try to shoot for either Tuesday or Thursdays, as those days I get off from work early (more personal information...).  Keep a look out for reviews!  I recently made my first Innocent World purchase, and a purchase from Taobao.  I'm not going to be too critical on the sizes, because I could only go by what the charts online said.  Hopefully everything fits, and if it doesn't I know that I will need either a larger or smaller size in the future.

That's it for now!