
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Blog Time!

My sister's Wedding is this Weekend!... I still have not completed making the sashs for the Flower girls and Junior Bridesmaid!... AND MASON IS GOING TO BE HERE TOMORROW AFTER I GET OFF FROM WORK!

;^;  There is no time to do anything!  I cannot wait until it starts to go back to normal at work, and then I can go back home at normal hours and focus on school work and the prize for the Contest!  Which BTW, if you have not entered the contest, there is still time :)  So far we have some good entries and I am looking forward to reading more!

After a Winner has been selected, I email you in regards to your measurements.  I will do my absolute best, as I have only made one dress for myself and I am still learning.  Whoever wins, if you submit a picture to me of you wearing the OP/JSK/Skirt, your picture will be used for our Facebook page!  And if I can get Blogger to do what I want, of course the images will be posted up here as well, but if you would rather not have your pictures posted, that is ok too!

Wish I could have made this blog post longer and more interesting, but I have to go.  I promise when I have a Laptop again, I will post more!

Hugs and Kisses,


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Twitter.... Tweet?... What?!

So, turns out, we have Twitter! I must have made one and forgot. So if you want to know my random thoughts I may have during the day or random picture post, follow me on Twitter. @LolitaDoll11

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dear Loli's

Dear Loli's,

Hi!  I know I have not gotten a chance to really update that much.  Here is why!

1) My sister is getting married, and not only do I have the responsibilities of being the sister of the Bride, my little sister and I are the Maids of Honor... I don't know if she is allowed to have two but she is doing it anyway!
2) I have started school, working on getting my degree in fashion and design!  (insert applause)  I am only part time so I have a little bit of a way to go, but I am doing it!
3) Work is in over time mode.  I spend most of my week doing 12-13 hour shifts... yeah, it's crazy but I like the money.

So that are the three main reasons as to why you might not have heard much from me.  A lot of exciting stuff going on!  Oh!  Mason is coming for his second visit here and we are super excited about that.  He will be in town for my sister's wedding and then we will have some time together! 

Expect pictures to be uploaded on the Facebook page.  The pictures might not be Lolita related, but I am going to post some pictures from my sister's wedding because it is "craft" related.  I am making the ring barer pillow and two sashes for the Jr. Brides Maids.  Because I am running out of time my Friend Sunny Sprocket is going to be assisting me, and I will be paying her in the form of Taco Bell.

Speaking of pictures and the Facebook page, if you haven't already liked the page, you should because its where I am post all my Lolita and craft pictures... and because I asked you to <3
If this link does not work, please let me know!

Also, reminding that the Contest has started!  Don't think that because I am busy that I forgot.  Thank you to those who have already sent in submissions!  Those of you who have yet to enter, you still have till the end of the month!

I also wanted to make a note about one of the questions.  If you're not a designer or don't sew, you can either leave that question blank.  You can write what your hobbies are!  Like if you do crafting or singing, anything is good!  I will edit that question.

I would love to write more for everyone, but I have got to hop off of here and get busy.  I will try to make more regular updates.

Hugs and Kisses,

PLV <3

Monday, September 3, 2012

Contest Entry!

Ok, so today after one of our meet ups, I remembered I promised a piece of clothing to whomever wins the contest XD  I feel that I should once again let you know, I am self taught when it comes to sewing.  Anything that I make are not going to be up to retail standards, but so far I think I have made some pretty cute stuff.

Rules are as follows:
Answer honestly and you can put as much or as little details as you want.
Nothing offensive, I shouldn't have to go into much more detail than that.
Please try to answer all questions.  I do understand that not all questions may apply to everyone or you just might not have an answer.

On to the Questions!

1) What is your name?  I suggest using a fake name, since this is the Internet!
2) What kind of Lolita are you?
3) Favorite brand, and why?
4) If you could live in any era, what would it be and why?
5) Are you yourself a designer, or do you make your own Lolita clothes?  Or do you have any other
    hobbies you feel like sharing?
6) What do you think will be next for Lolita, or what would you like to see?

Well that is it.  Not much I know, but I figured I would keep it short and sweet.  Please email all entries to the following email: