
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lolita Craft Night! And Hat box!

So Sunday night, Mi - tan and I went over to another Loli's house where we had snacks, delightful conversation, and worked on our own crafting projects!  It was the first night of our craft night, and I had a really good time.  Our Hostess, Sally, let us into her lovely home and fed us.  She also had some of her own creations around her house.  I thought this was really neat and helped with the theme of the night (not to mention that the clothes are beautiful!).  The picture on the left is of our hostess, and yes, she made the dress she is wearing!  She's lucky that I was too busy carrying my sewing machine into her house because I think I would have tried to figure out a way to steal it from her person (kidding... mostly :P ).

Here are the lovely ladies who attended our meet!  There were others who arrived before Mi-tan and I but I didn't get a picture of them.  Left picture is of Mi-tan and Tola.  It would seem that I put the two designers in one picture as Tola and Mi-tan both sew and design clothes!  The right picture is of Angelica and Olivia.  Olivia has her own blog as well, you can read it here, Black Witch.  Angelica is a very sweet girl, she also has made her own clothing (one piece I am still trying to figure out how she made without pulling her hair out!)  All of these girls are great and I am looking forward to the next craft night!
  As mentioned earlier, Sally had some of her own creations around her house.  I took the liberty of taking some pictures!  Sadly the picture on the right came out blurry.  I can only hope that Sally has this dress out again next time so that I may take another clear picture of it.  The skirt (left) is actually a Bodyline skirt that Sally plans on altering, and I cannot wait to see what she does with it!  I have legwarmers I could wear with it, and I love the bow in the front!

I took some more pictures of the girls, to show off their outfits.  Olivia (left) is wearing a skirt from Bodyline (I think that is what she said), not sure where the shirt is from, or the neat little bow/flower thingy she has.  She has cyberlocks, because she is awesome and therefore needs no other reason!  Mi-tan (right) I believe she is wearing a purple gingham dress from HMHM.  Ladies, feel free to correct me if I am wrong on anything.

 Tola (left) is wearing a pink Innocent World dress/jsk.  I love Innocent World, if I had the money I would get myself an Innocent World dress, skirt, everything!  I also love how she paired it with pink sneakers to give it more of a casual look.  Overall, very cute.  Angelica (right), I didn't get to ask her where her pieces from her outfit came from, but I think that what she is wearing is a perfect example of casual Lolita, especially if it is something you want to wear out and feel comfortable but still be Lolita.  Sunday night was a great night to get dressed up!

   And we finally get to crafting!  And Sally's husband comes in to join in on the fun!  Not really, but he did join us in conversation.  Sally is holding a pattern for a apron I believe, Tola is working on jewelry if memory serves me correctly.  Angelica is sketching, I am sad to say that I am not sure exactly what she was working on.  Mi-tan is crocheting, and I was sewing, working on my skirt, which I still have yet to finish (its soooo close to being

The next day after our meet, I got the itch to work on another craft project, specifically for my hats.  For the longest time I wanted to take mini hat boxes and paint them, decorate and line then with cloth.  So I have been working on one.  The inside still needs to be lined and I am not finished with the outside.  Despite all that I wanted to share with you my current progress.  I hate the bottom flower, so I tried to cover it with the V.  It wasn't until after I finished the second flower that I remembered what and orange rose meant when given to someone.  Yes, flowers had meanings behind them!  To put it simply, it meant that you hated/disliked them.  Oh well, I think over all its ok, but I still have more that I want to do to it.

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, I am tired and I have a long day of running around, cleaning, and trying not to go crazy.  Hopefully get to some more crafts soon!  Stay Pretty!

-Lolita Doll 11

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